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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* sfilter.c */
- /* Stream functions for filters */
- #include "stdio_.h" /* includes std.h */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "scanchar.h"
- #include "stream.h"
- #include "gscrypt1.h"
- /* ------ Generic functions ------ */
- /* Implement flushing for all encoding filters. */
- int
- s_filter_write_flush(register stream *s)
- { (*s->procs.write_buf)(s);
- return sflush(s->strm);
- }
- /* Close a filter. If this is an encoding filter, flush it first. */
- int
- s_filter_close(register stream *s)
- { if ( s_is_writing(s) )
- { int code = sflush(s);
- if ( code == ERRC ) return code;
- }
- return s_std_close(s);
- }
- /* ------ ASCIIHexEncode ------ */
- /* Flush the buffer */
- private int
- s_AXE_write_buf(register stream *s)
- { register stream *strm = s->strm;
- register byte *p = s->cbuf;
- register int count = s->cptr + 1 - p;
- register const char _ds *hex_digits = "0123456789abcdef";
- while ( --count >= 0 )
- { char c1 = hex_digits[*p >> 4];
- char c2 = hex_digits[*p & 0xf];
- sputc(strm, c1);
- sputc(strm, c2);
- if ( !(count & 15) )
- sputc(strm, '\n');
- p++;
- }
- s->cptr = s->cbuf - 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Close the stream */
- private int
- s_AXE_close(register stream *s)
- { (*s->procs.write_buf)(s);
- sputc(s->strm, '>');
- return s_std_close(s);
- }
- /* Stream procedures */
- const stream_procs s_AXE_procs =
- { s_std_noavailable, NULL, s_filter_write_flush, s_AXE_close,
- NULL, s_AXE_write_buf
- };
- /* ------ ASCIIHexDecode ------ */
- /* Initialize the stream */
- void
- s_AXD_init(register stream *s)
- { s->odd = -1;
- }
- /* Refill the buffer */
- private int
- s_AXD_read_buf(register stream *s)
- { stream *strm = s->strm;
- uint count;
- int code = sreadhex(strm, s->cbuf, s->bsize, &count, &s->odd, 0);
- s->cptr = s->cbuf - 1;
- s->endptr = s->cptr + count;
- if ( code != ERRC )
- { if ( code )
- s->end_status = strm->end_status;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Check for EOD */
- if ( sgetc(strm) == '>' ) /* EOD */
- s->end_status = EOFC;
- else /* syntax error */
- { s->end_status = ERRC;
- sputback(strm);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Stream procedures */
- const stream_procs s_AXD_procs =
- { s_std_noavailable, s_std_noseek, s_std_read_flush, s_filter_close,
- s_AXD_read_buf, NULL
- };
- /* ------ eexecDecode ------ */
- /* Initialize a stream for reading and decrypting another stream. */
- /* Decrypting streams are not positionable. */
- void
- s_exD_init(register stream *s, ushort /*crypt_state*/ state)
- { s->cstate = state;
- s->odd = -1;
- s->binary = -1; /* unknown */
- }
- /* Refill the buffer of a decrypting stream. */
- private int
- s_exD_read_buf(register stream *s)
- { byte *buf = s->cbuf;
- uint nread;
- int skip = (s->binary < 0 ? 4 : 0);
- s->cptr = s->endptr = buf - 1;
- top: nread = sgets(s->strm, buf, s->bsize);
- if ( nread == 0 ) /* end of stream */
- { s->end_status = EOFC;
- return 0;
- }
- if ( s->binary < 0 )
- { /* This is the very first time we're filling the buffer. */
- /* Determine whether this is ASCII or hex encoding. */
- register byte _ds *decoder = scan_char_decoder;
- if ( nread < 4 ) return EOFC;
- if ( decoder[buf[0]] == ctype_space ||
- (decoder[buf[0]] | decoder[buf[1]] | decoder[buf[2]] |
- decoder[buf[3]]) <= 0xf )
- { /* Would be invalid if binary, hence must be hex. */
- s->binary = 0;
- }
- else s->binary = 1;
- }
- if ( !s->binary )
- { /* Convert the buffer from binary to hex in place. */
- stream sst;
- sread_string(&sst, buf, nread);
- sreadhex(&sst, buf, nread, &nread, &s->odd, 0);
- if ( nread == 0 ) goto top; /* try again */
- }
- /* Now decrypt the buffer. */
- gs_type1_decrypt(buf, buf, nread, (crypt_state *)&s->cstate);
- if ( skip )
- { /* Very first buffer-load, strip off leading bytes. */
- if ( nread < skip ) return EOFC;
- s->cptr += skip;
- nread -= skip;
- }
- s->endptr = s->cptr + nread;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Estimate the number of remaining bytes in a decrypting stream. */
- private int
- s_exD_available(stream *s, long *pl)
- { if ( savailable(s->strm, pl) < 0 ) return ERRC;
- if ( *pl >= 0 ) *pl /= 2;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Stream procedures */
- const stream_procs s_exD_procs =
- { s_exD_available, s_std_noseek, s_std_read_flush, s_filter_close,
- s_exD_read_buf, NULL
- };
- /* ------ NullEncode ------ */
- /* Flush the buffer */
- private int
- s_NullE_write_buf(register stream *s)
- { uint count = s->cptr - s->cbuf + 1;
- sputs(s->strm, s->cbuf, count);
- s->cptr = s->cbuf - 1;
- s->position += count;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Stream procedures */
- const stream_procs s_NullE_procs =
- { s_std_noavailable, s_std_noseek, s_filter_write_flush, s_filter_close,
- NULL, s_NullE_write_buf
- };
- /* ------ PFBDecode ------ */
- /* Initialize the stream */
- void
- s_PFBD_init(register stream *s, int binary_to_hex)
- { s->record_type = -1;
- s->binary_to_hex = binary_to_hex;
- }
- /* Refill the buffer */
- private int
- s_PFBD_read_buf(register stream *s)
- { stream *strm = s->strm;
- register byte *ptr = s->cbuf;
- uint count;
- int c;
- s->cptr = s->endptr = s->cbuf - 1;
- top: count = s->bsize;
- switch ( s->record_type )
- {
- case -1: /* new record */
- c = sgetc(strm);
- if ( c != 0x80 ) goto err;
- c = sgetc(strm);
- switch ( c )
- {
- case 1: case 2:
- s->record_type = c;
- break;
- case 3:
- case EOFC:
- s->end_status = EOFC;
- return 0;
- default:
- goto err;
- }
- s->record_left = sgetc(strm);
- s->record_left += (ulong)sgetc(strm) << 8;
- s->record_left += (ulong)sgetc(strm) << 16;
- s->record_left += (ulong)sgetc(strm) << 24;
- goto top;
- case 1: /* text data */
- /* Translate \r to \n. */
- if ( count > s->record_left ) count = s->record_left;
- { uint n;
- for ( n = count; n != 0 && (c = sgetc(strm)) != EOFC; n-- )
- { *ptr++ = (c == '\r' ? '\n' : c);
- }
- } break;
- case 2: /* binary data */
- if ( s->binary_to_hex )
- { /* Translate binary to hex. */
- uint n;
- byte *inp;
- register const char _ds *hex_digits = "0123456789abcdef";
- count >>= 1; /* 2 chars per input byte */
- if ( count > s->record_left ) count = s->record_left;
- inp = ptr + count;
- count = sgets(strm, inp, count);
- for ( n = count; n != 0; n-- )
- { c = *inp++;
- ptr[0] = hex_digits[c >> 4];
- ptr[1] = hex_digits[c & 0xf];
- ptr += 2;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* Just read binary data. */
- if ( count > s->record_left ) count = s->record_left;
- count = sgets(strm, ptr, count);
- ptr += count;
- }
- break;
- }
- if ( count == 0 )
- { s->record_type = -1;
- goto top;
- }
- s->record_left -= count;
- s->endptr = ptr - 1;
- return 0;
- err: s->end_status = ERRC;
- s->endptr = ptr - 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Stream procedures */
- const stream_procs s_PFBD_procs =
- { s_std_noavailable, s_std_noseek, s_std_read_flush, s_filter_close,
- s_PFBD_read_buf, NULL
- };
- /* ------ SubFileDecode ------ */
- /* Initialize the stream */
- void
- s_SFD_init(stream *s, long count, const byte *str, uint strlen)
- { s->state.sf.count = count;
- s->state.sf.eod_string = str;
- s->state.sf.string_size = strlen;
- s->state.sf.match = 0;
- }
- /* Refill the buffer */
- private int
- s_SFD_read_buf(register stream *s)
- { stream *strm = s->strm;
- if ( s->state.sf.string_size == 0 )
- { /* Just read, with no EOD pattern. */
- uint count;
- if ( s->state.sf.count == 0 )
- { /* Read with no EOD limit. */
- count = sgets(strm, s->cbuf, s->bsize);
- s->end_status = strm->end_status;
- }
- else
- { /* Count bytes till EOD. */
- uint len = min(s->bsize, s->state.sf.count);
- count = sgets(strm, s->cbuf, len);
- s->end_status = ((s->state.sf.count -= count) == 0 ?
- EOFC : strm->end_status);
- }
- s->cptr = s->cbuf - 1;
- s->endptr = s->cptr + count;
- }
- else
- { /* Read looking for an EOD pattern. */
- uint keep = s->endptr + 1 - s->cbuf;
- byte *p = s->cbuf - 1;
- byte *limit = p + s->bsize;
- uint match = s->state.sf.match;
- if ( keep > match ) keep = match;
- memcpy(s->cbuf, s->endptr + 1 - keep, keep);
- s->cptr = p + keep;
- while ( p < limit )
- { int c = sgetc(strm);
- if ( c < 0 ) /* premature EOF */
- { s->end_status = c;
- s->endptr = p;
- return 0;
- }
- *++p = c;
- if ( c == s->state.sf.eod_string[match] )
- { if ( ++match == s->state.sf.string_size )
- { if ( s->state.sf.count <= 1 )
- { s->endptr =
- (s->state.sf.count == 0 ?
- p - s->state.sf.string_size :
- p);
- s->end_status = EOFC;
- return 0;
- }
- s->state.sf.count--;
- match = 0;
- }
- }
- /* No match here, back up to find the longest one. */
- /* This may be quadratic in string_size, but */
- /* we don't expect this to be a real problem. */
- for ( ; match != 0; match-- )
- if ( !memcmp(s->state.sf.eod_string, p - match + 1,
- match)
- )
- break;
- }
- s->endptr = p;
- s->state.sf.match = match;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Stream procedures */
- const stream_procs s_SFD_procs =
- { s_std_noavailable, s_std_noseek, s_std_read_flush, s_filter_close,
- s_SFD_read_buf, NULL
- };